Medical Industry News

The Importance of Business Communication in Leadership

Business communication is the process of sharing information between employees within and outside of the company to reach organizational goals. At SpecialtyCare, we’re consistently communicating with our associates, peers, leaders, and hospital staff. How well we communicate often determines how successful we are as leaders in our careers. 


The Importance of Business Communication

Effective communication helps us to connect with others and build trust and respect within the organization. It plays a key role in the decision-making process to allow for a better understanding from a personal and business standpoint. Sometimes, a received message can be misunderstood. Effective communication helps to solve differences and resolve problems from both points of view. 


Forms of Communication

There are three forms of communication. Choosing the correct delivery method plays a key role in communicating your message effectively. 


This method is best used for information that is precise and not subject to interpretation. It doesn’t convey emotion well but the recipient can refer back to the information if needed. This can include an email or a Slack message. 


This method is best used for conveying emotion through the tone and feelings behind your message. It requires more preparation and is best when there’s a sense of immediacy. This can include a phone call or video conference.


This method is the most personal form of communication and best used for sharing sensitive information. The sender can convey their message through emotion, tone, and body language.


Building Effective Communication Skills

Be an active listener

Allow the other person to talk without interrupting. When it’s your turn to talk, ask questions to clarify what was said and to gain a better understanding of the person that you’re talking to. 

Say what you mean to say

Non-verbal cues play a crucial role in communication. People tend to pay attention to these more, so it’s important that your non-verbal behaviors align with your verbal message. 

Be clear and articulate

The best communicators are the ones whose messages resonate with all different audiences in every form. Your message must be clear and concise whether it’s written, verbal, or face-to-face. 

Broaden your communication style

Effective communicators know that a “one-size-fits-all” communication style doesn’t work. It’s important to develop a wide range of communication skills and deploy different methods for different people in different situations that suit them best.


Understanding Personal Communication Styles

There are four personal styles that affect communication. How we communicate plays an important role in team dynamics and how we approach others and our work. It’s good to understand your own personal style as well as that of your employees. This better prepares you to help them grow and develop. Once you have a good understanding of your employees’ personal styles, it’s important to tailor your communication to that of who you’re speaking to. 


Relators are warm, friendly, slow, and easy. They’re cooperative, good listeners, and share their feelings. 


Socializers are enthusiastic, persuasive, fast-paced, and not afraid to take risks. They have a strong feeling of personal worth and relationships are important to them. 


Thinkers identify as proficient perfectionists. They are slow and cautious, task-oriented, follow directions, and work well alone. 


Directors are fast-paced, decisive, and emphasize results. They care little about relationships and don’t openly share their feelings. Additionally, they’re often seen as dominating. 


Benefits of Strong Business Communication

When managers implement strong business communication practices with their associates, everyone is on the same page with no confusion. A lack of communication can result in disagreements, project delays, and budgeting issues. These can negatively affect the organizational goals that your team is trying to attain.


Effective business communication is imperative to a company’s growth and success. When a communicative culture is in place, managers can channel their deliverables clearly and associates can ask questions and offer ideas. Strong communication leads to increased productivity and workflow efficiency which allows a business to perform at its peak level. 

At SpecialtyCare, we strive for strong business communication within our organization to yield the highest level of success for our leaders, associates, and hospital staff in their careers.


About Speciality Care

SpecialtyCare is dedicated to providing an exceptional patient experience, becoming the OR employer of choice, and leading the way in OR innovation. We do this through staffing operating rooms and providing the equipment needed for medical procedures.


Over 13,500 physicians in more than 1,100 hospitals trust SpecialtyCare to help them achieve exceptional care outcomes, regulatory compliance, and financial results. With more than 1,800 associates supporting almost 400,000 procedures annually, we maintain SCOPE, the SpecialtyCare Operative Procedural Registry®, which is used to define standards, determine benchmarks, establish best practices, foster innovation, and identify opportunities to reduce clinical variation that result in improved patient outcomes, increased efficiencies, and minimized costs. We are accredited and certified by The Joint Commission. By developing expertise beyond industry requirements, our customers can be certain they have the best partner for clinical excellence in perfusion, ECMO, autotransfusion, patient blood management, intraoperative neuromonitoring, deep brain stimulation, surgical assist, minimally invasive surgical support, and sterile processing consulting.