Categories: Medical Industry News

SpecialtyCare Provides Services at 120 of the 250 Best Hospitals in the US

We would like to congratulate all the hospitals that made Heathgrades’ list of the top 250 hospitals in 2023! This list represents the top 5% of hospitals in the US. Healthgrades developed their list by evaluating 4,500 hospitals on their performance in 31 common treatment areas.

SpecialtyCare is proud to partner with 119 of the 250 hospitals on the list, including 24 in the top 50 (the top 1% of hospitals in the country). Twenty-six secondary facilities were also included and, among those, we provide services at 10, four of which are within the top 50 listing. 

Our partnership includes:

  • 100 hospitals where we provide IONM, among other services
  • 48 hospitals where we provide cardiac services, among other services
  • 76 hospitals where we provide support to the OR, among other services

Why the Nation’s Top Hospitals Are Choosing SpecialtyCare

Why are the nation’s top hospitals choosing SpecialtyCare for OR support? Because we place highly-trained clinicians in a number of critical service lines, and we also conduct expert assessments and provide a wealth of clinical data through our one-of-a-kind database, SCOPE™. 

Here are the areas where (and why) leading hospitals rely on us:

  • Perfusion. We are the largest provider of perfusion services in the United States, supporting 1 in 8 of all heart surgeries performed in the country every year. Approximately 350,000 people require open-heart surgery and related cardiovascular perfusion support each year, and these procedures require a knowledgeable team of perfusionists, who are critical members of the OR surgical team.
  • ECMO. The use of ECMO therapy increased by 433% in the late 2010’s, and its usage has continued to expand. We offer ECMO training, ECMO program evaluation, ECMO program management, and the placement of ECMO specialists at your hospital.
  • IONM. SpecialtyCare is the largest provider of intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) services in the nation, taking on 110,000 cases each year. We also provide neurodiagnostic services that help reduce the risk of patient injury and readmission.
  • Autotransfusion. If a hospital were better equipped to avoid transfusions for 1,000 patients a year, that would be the equivalent of saving $4 million annually. The response time from our clinical technicians is under 60 minutes, and they provide autotransfusion both inside and outside of the operating room.
  • Sterile Processing Consulting. Supporting the OR means optimizing the sterile processing department (SPD). We provide expert consultations to reduce SPD errors (a hidden driver of costs and liability), increase efficiency, and improve patient outcomes.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgical Support. SpecialtyCare has an annual caseload of 160,000 for minimally invasive surgical support. Our support team provides the back-up your team needs for all the technical demands of the surgical environment.
  • Patient Blood Management. Recent studies show that anywhere between 40-60% of blood transfusions are inappropriate. By using our Patient Blood Management program, also known as PBM, hospitals will see a reduction in blood-related costs, fewer readmissions, and reduced length of stay.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). SpecialtyCare leads the market in DBS procedures in the United States, performing more than 800 procedures (1 in every 8) each year. We provide expertise in microelectrode recording (MER) and stimulation mapping techniques.
  • Surgical Assist. Our procedures can save your facility in downtime and expense and improve overall efficiency. We take over the costs of recruiting, training, insuring, credentialing, and paying the surgical assistance.

Finally, our clinical database, SCOPE™, allows us to identify healthcare standards, spread best practices across the country, determine benchmarks, and foster innovations that improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, and minimize costs. This database is the largest of its kind, and the wealth of knowledge we are able to share comes from the vast number of procedures that we support every year.

When Surgery Is Safer, Everyone Wins

At SpecialtyCare, our mission is to make surgery safer, which means positive outcomes for patients, hospitals, and staff. A safe, efficient OR is a revenue generator that makes your hospital a preferred destination for patients and a magnet for clinical talent. Contact us today to find out how we can support your OR in a number of high-leverage ways so you can see the difference in outcomes and your hospital’s bottom line.

Maggie Ring