Medical Industry News

What It Means To Be Patient-Centered

If you visited the main services pages on our website already (and you probably have if you’re reading this), you may have seen the phrase “patient-centered” quite a bit. As an allied health leader in provided care, we mention this concept often because we’re very proud to be patient-oriented.  But what does it mean exactly to be patient-centered? Let’s dive in a little deeper.

The Patient Comes First. Always.

For our people, it’s not about the money, it’s not about the prestige or appearances, or how cool the job seems to outsiders. It most certainly isn’t about ego or competition or being the best at something. It’s about the patient. Whenever someone is wheeled into the OR or the ICU on a gurney, they’re entering one of the most vulnerable moments of their lives. And as healthcare providers, at least for a short time, their lives are in our hands.

Along with the surgeons and nurses, it’s our job to see they are fully informed about their procedure – what to expect before, during and after surgery. Their questions are answered, their concerns are addressed. Our goal is to reduce costs for hospitals, which in turn benefits the patient, and to continuously look at ways to improve surgical outcomes.

It’s the little things. Being patient-centered means that one extra act of kindness can mean the world to a patient. Holding someone’s hand as they’re being escorted to surgery, taking an extra few minutes to answer their questions, speaking with family members to ease their worried minds, staying a little late after a shift to see how a patient is doing in the ICU, showing a loved one where the cafeteria is, calming a scared child because he/she doesn’t know what’s going on… these are all examples of being patient-centered. Going the extra mile every day.

Putting the patient before ourselves. There are times when our providers in the field (whether it be perfusionists, neurophysiologists or surgical assistants) are exhausted and drained. They’re called into emergency cases in the middle of the night or on their day off. Our people push their own personal feelings aside to provide the best care possible for the patient every single time. Why? Because the patient’s medical status far outweighs our own personal feelings. The only thing that matters in these moments is the well-being of the patient.

Patient-centered care means the patient is actively involved in their care plan and there is a collaborative form of communication between the healthcare provider and the patient throughout the treatment plan. In short, we listen more, talk less and provide the best care possible. That is who we are.

If you’re interested in joining the SpecialtyCare team, please visit our CAREERS PAGE. You can check listings and sign up for alerts.

Nikki Baker