
Sarah Witulski, Clinical Technician II, Saves the Day with Unrelenting Attention to Detail

Recently, Sarah Witulski, Clinical Technician II, made a wonderful impact on a spine ATS case. Energy and unrelenting attention to detail are the mark of a great clinician, and she provided both to ensure that a patient received Bovine Heparin instead of pork, from which she is allergic.

Sarah was doing her pre-case check by reviewing the patient’s chart when she noticed and took serious note of the patient being allergic to pork-derived foods and medicines. We have a Heparin protocol at the facility Sarah was visiting, and most hospitals use Heparin that is derived from pork intestines. Some Heparin is now Bovine-based, and some hospitals have been known to have it on stock. This was a great catch by Sarah, who then proceeded to try to find an alternative anticoagulant for the case. The pharmacy also carried ACD-A which is completely safe to use on this kind of case. We are all excited to celebrate and congratulate Sarah on saving a patient’s life that day! Caring enough to continue to learn and expand our base of knowledge is imperative in the field. Sarah has demonstrated her commitment, courage, and care for the patients that she sees every day.

We sat down with Sarah to learn more about her experience in the profession:

How long have you been which SpecialtyCare and what is your current role? 

On April 6th, I celebrated my 8th year anniversary of employment with SpecialtyCare as an Autotransfusionist!

Which team are you currently on?

I’m with Team ATS/8406 in the Northwest Indiana/ South Suburbs of Chicago Region.

What led you to become interested in this field and can you describe the path you took?

Having an opportunity to dedicate myself to making a difference in the healthcare system and better patient outcomes is what led me to become interested in this field. I committed to gain knowledge in the field and trusted SpecialtyCare to help guide my path to achieving the role as an Autotransfusionist.

What are the benefits of a career in this field? 

Knowing you help create better patient outcomes daily is very rewarding, among several other benefits in this field.

What is a day in the life of your role typically like?

I start my day clinically, hearing happy greetings, and end my day hearing thanks for my service from hospital staff, which assures me I’m a trusted partner in my role.

What communication advice would you give when it comes to working successfully in a team dynamic? 

Working in a team, keeping communication open is imperative to a successful dynamic. In a healthcare setting, you never stop learning. Pay attention to details and ask questions! If you see something, say something! I believe having open communication within a team has made me a better and more prepared clinician to provide the best patient care possible.

What was a surprise to you about the career when you first started?

Just how instrumental my role in the OR is.

What has been a memorable moment or story you’d like to share from your career? 

This one!  I’m thankful to all my colleagues for the words of support and encouragement.

About SpecialtyCare

SpecialtyCare is dedicated to providing an exceptional patient experience, becoming the OR employer of choice, and leading the way in OR innovation.

Nora Ioane