
Why Choose SpecialtyCare for Your IONM Career?

SpecialtyCare is an excellent choice for starting or building your IONM career. As the demand for IONM clinicians rises, you want to be with an employer that invests in your success and helps you provide superior care to patients.

Opportunities in the IONM Field

Opportunities in the IONM field are growing alongside the implementation of neurodiagnostic services like deep brain stimulation (DBS), electroencephalograms (EEG), and transcranial doppler (TCD). Because IONM makes complex surgeries safer, its use is increasing at hospitals and ASCs around the country. Neurology estimates that, by 2025, demand for neurologists will outpace the number of available clinicians by 19%. 

What’s important for IONM clinicians and aspiring neurophysiologists now is to have an employer that can offer them the best opportunities and career satisfaction. Beyond issues of salary, this includes elements like training, community, and consistency, which add significant value to a career.

How to Choose a Great Employer

Here are a few vital traits that IONM clinicians should look for in an employer:

  • Reliability. If you can’t depend on your employer to follow through on commitments to you, hospitals, and patients, it’s hard to find any rhythm in your work. The No Surprises Act (NSA) upended the way that many IONM providers conducted business, creating turnover and inconsistency. You want an employer that knows how to manage shifts in the industry and communicates with you (and partner hospitals) about its values and operations. 
  • Organization. A disorganized employer will impede your ability to perform at an optimal level. If it’s difficult for hospitals or patients to reach the scheduling department, and if last minute changes and missed details make your job harder, you know that your employer is disorganized and unequipped to help you succeed.
  • Opportunities for Continuing Education. A great employer will invest in you by providing opportunities for you to continue learning and advance your career. Mentorship, as well as events or funds for continuing education, are signs of this investment. Other signs include flexible work opportunities and insights into best practices and industry benchmarks. 

Benefits of Choosing SpecialtyCare for IONM

At SpecialtyCare, we invest in our IONM clinicians for their success, which is one of the reasons why we’re the largest IONM provider. Supporting 130,000 patients annually in over 900 partnering hospitals, we have the largest group of IONM associates in the US, and we train clinicians to become CNIM certified. Training and mentorship are an important part of our team culture and success.

We’re a reliable provider that is in line with Fair Health values. We were able to transition easily when the No Surprises Act became effective because we have never balance-billed patients, a practice banned by the new law. We invest in our team’s continuing education by holding monthly Grand Rounds events (which are approved for level 1 CME credits), and we also have funds for continuing education as part of our benefits package for clinicians, allowing them to attend conferences, take online courses, and join professional societies.

Additionally, we provide insights into trends and best practices because SCOPE, our vast clinical database, collects case data from our partners to help all our clinicians stay on the cutting edge of medical science.

If you’re looking for a great place to start or build your IONM career, look no further. Contact us today to discover the benefits of joining our thriving IONM team!